For the past few years, I’ve been bringing in my United States Flag when it got dark or when it was time to turn the outdoor lights off. Despite having electric lights on the house, my wife prefers we not keep all the outside lights on overnight. So needlessly to say, I really like this idea of having something like the Solar Flag Pole Automatic Light which would allow me to keep the flag out 24 hours a day.

The manufacturer of this particular flag pole light comes from a company I hadn’t heard of but found via Amazon, “yimaxps”. It’s a Chinese company so while I can’t vouch for the company, I can only tell you my experience with the product I purchased manufactured by them.
I placed the Solar Flag Pole Light on top of my 6 feet pole which is intended for 3×5 ft flags. The light is made of thin plastic which had me a little worried, but would say the thin plastic used is likely more by design. In order to place and keep the light on top of the flag pole I don’t think you would want this light to be made of anything more heavy. I have no complaints about the amount of light this puts out. The duration of the lighting is going to depend on how much sunlight is available to keep the batteries charged. Time will tell how long this item will last against the elements but I expect to get one to two years of use out of it.

While I have no complaints on item itself, I do have issue with the instructions provided. The instructions given is for routing this fixture as a “Solar Gutter Light” and none was provided in the box for how to mount the fixture on a flag pole. Luckily in the photos provided at Amazon’s site there is an image titled “Easy Installation” that shows how’s best to mount the light on a flag pole. After looking at this image I could easily install the unit on the flag pole. Ironically since I have several flag poles with flags for different occasions, I might decide to just go ahead and mount this light the gutter instead of the pole itself.
I’ve provide a few photos with this article which are self explanatory. This isn’t a perfect product but I still would recommend this product for anyone that has a need to keep a flag lit overnight and alternative lighting isn’t possible.
I’ve provide a few photos with this article which are self explanatory. This isn’t a perfect product but I still would recommend this product for anyone that has a need to keep a flag lit overnight and alternative lighting isn’t possible.
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